14 Oct Opinion: Ministers of The Future
Future Projections
Africa’s population continues to increase rather rapidly from an estimated 140 million in 1900 to a billion by 2010. According to United Nations “medium scenario” projections, this figure will rise to 2.5 billion in 2050 and more than 4 billion in 2100 (see figure below).
So what next?
Africa (and friends, inclusive of the diaspora) must challenge Africa to accelerate her thinking, leadership capacities, and capabilities, in addition, she must invest heavily in her knowledge and provide channels for development and demonstration.
Otherwise, her demographic uniqueness and advantages would become significant demographic disadvantages, in particular with the next wave of disruption to come from Artificial Intelligence (#AI)
In addition, every African country needs a Minister of The Future with the freedom to perform these critical duties –
- To think about the inevitable future states (e.g. 2030, 2050, 2100)
- To develop sound strategies and policies for the future states
- To fight and advocate for the appropriate emphasis and focus today that directly enhances the future state
- To confirm the alignments of present/current developments with those future states
Just like Joseph in the Bible (Genesis)…the Minister of The Future is a “prophet”, “preserver”, “social entrepreneur”, “change agent”.
Africa is on the verge of a diverse, multi-faceted, thoughtful and agile leadership, entrepreneurs and change agents. I can see it coming…
Read the entire article on the projected population growth from Quartz Africa: https://qz.com/…/population-growth-africans-will-be-a-thir…/
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