
My pragmatic response on why organizations should make “leadership development, learning, mentoring and coaching” a key retention strategy. Inherent risk. Here are some approaches with good results: 1. Creating spaces for growth, to challenge ideas without repercussions. 2. Enabling a culture of continuous learning (lean learning). 3. Encouraging collaboration, idea...

Dr. Flo Falayi has been accepted into Forbes Coaches Council Forbes CoachesCouncil Is an Invitation-Only Community for Leading Business and Career Coaches Atlanta, GA— Dr. Flo Falayi FIIM, Organizational Leadership Expert, Consultant & Executive Coach at Slalom and the Founder/Strategic Advisor of Hybrid Leadership Institute, has been accepted into...

How power changes the CEO brain - CNN Research shows that people with power: Appear less empatheticAre more prone to misjudging the emotional expressions of othersMore likely to objectify subordinatesLess likely to feel social constraints on their behavior This old adage is true, "Power corrupts and absolute power...

Everything starts with an intentional conversation. If you want to maximize all your amazing talents, gifts and abilities then you have to make time to intentionally discover, develop and deliver them. Get yourself a coach that will challenge and hold you accountable.Find someone who will move...

Here are some good books to read on leadership, people, business, strategy, and personal development in 2019. Multipliers by Liz WisemanLeadership expert Liz Wiseman explores these two leadership styles, persuasively showing how Multipliers can have a resoundingly positive and profitable effect on organizations -- getting...

There is a lot to do, accomplish, attain and achieve but without proper planning, thoughtful reflection, and deliberate accountability. Nothing significant will happen and history will repeat itself. So here are three things to do now to make the new year your best one yet. 1. Forget...

Days come and go! Life continues. In life, there will be challenging, difficult as well as great days so don't give in. I have discovered that those who triumph are often the ones that refuse to give in and quit. Here are some reasons why eventual winners...

The Case For A Coach A wise man or woman will listen to the wise to become wiser.  As a leadership coach, I am often trying to help others understand why they need a coach. This is my recent response Here is why you need a coach. Discovering...

Leaders set the lid. Leaders determine the heights you can reach. Leaders set the tone. Leaders determine the pace. Leaders influence the culture. And invariably either set a limit over your life or act as enablers for reaching unimaginable heights. And this is why leadership must not be trivialized. And why leaders...